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Membership Level

You have selected the Guest membership level.

Thank you for choosing to become a registered guest. While you are with us, you can explore all the materials we have written about the history of career development. Also, you can read our review of career development literature. As you read this material, you will come to realize that the history of career development stretches over 100 years.

When you decide you are ready to begin your career exploration in earnest, please enroll as a Client. At the Client level, you can explore your personality and interests. The resulting report will guide you toward careers that will provide you with satisfaction and great success.

Dr. John Dagley, Head of the Educational Phycology Department at the University of Georgia at the time we did our doctoral work, said, "Randall, you need to get this work out to people. It is the best process for assessing Interest and Personality I have seen".


Membership Level

You have selected the Client membership level.

As a client, you will have all the exploration opportunities that are afforded to guest, and you will have the opportunity to take the RIPA 2 times during each of 2 years. When you take the Richards Interest Profile Assessment (RIPA), you will receive an in depth report on your personality as it relates to the world of work. Through this report, you can open doors of opportunity to explore occupations listed in the Department of Labor database of occupations. Following are the first few lines:

Interest Profile Assessment Report
A report of Holland codes revealing vocational personalities as Defined by Dr. John L. Holland in his Theory of Vocational Personalities and Work Environments.
Client Name John Doe
Date July 29, 2022
Your scores in each area are as follows:
Realistic: 15
Investigative: 12
Artistic: 10
Social: 8
Enterprising: 7
Conventional: 7
Personality Profile Code: RIS
Your strongest type is Realistic (Holland, 1997)
The special heredity and experiences of the Realistic person lead to a preference for activities that entail the explicit, order, or systematic manipulation of objects, tools, machines, and animals and to an aversion to educational or therapeutic activities. These behavioral tendencies lead in turn to the acquisition of manual, mechanical, agricultural, electrical, and technical competencies and to a deficit in social and educational competencies.